Totus Tuus Multiyear Pledge Society

Members of the Totus Tuus Multiyear Pledge Society express their commitment to the mission by pledging a fixed amount for a 5-year period which frees the Academy to flourish for years to come.

“Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Remember how their lives ended and imitate their faith.”

We look to saints as our heroes. Saint John Paul II was a man of colossal virtues who tirelessly sought to restore the dignity of the human person as created by God and in His image.

The biographer of John Paul II, George Weigel, says, “Each one of us, the Pope believes, is an actor in a drama with eternal consequences. And each one of us has a distinctive role to play in that drama”.

JPII’s life speaks to us of the importance of a firm foundation, the eternal value of suffering and transformation of the human life under the impulse of grace.


“Wujek” departs from his beloved Poland for Rome to be installed as the 264th Vicar of Christ on earth. From the heart of the church in Rome (Ryzm in Polish), Pope John Paul II went to the ends of the earth as a missionary.

By becoming a member of the “Ryzm” community, with an annual pledge of $20,000 for five years, you extend the reach of the Academy’s apostolic efforts.


“Lolek” moved to Krakow for university studies. There he found a place in the theater. During WWII, Karol worked in a quarry, devoted himself to Mary and answered God’s call to the priesthood.

By becoming a member of the “Krakow” community, with an annual pledge of $10,000 for five years, you allow the Academy to put down deep roots in order to facilitate future growth.


As the bells of Saint Mary’s tolled, Karol Wojtyla was born in Wadowice, Poland. There his parents provided a solid foundation for the future saint.

By becoming a member of the “Wadowice” community, with an annual pledge of $5,000 for five years, you offer stability to the early years of the John Paul the Great Academy.

Some Ways to Give

Required Minimum Distribution

If you have an RMD on your own or an inherited account and you do not need the funds, donating to charity is a great option. Your required withdrawal will be included in your taxable income and cannot be rolled into other tax-deferred accounts. However, donating your RMD is a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). Directing this income to support the work of John Paul the Great Academy provides stability to our school operations and is tax-deductible. Please contact to set up your RDM.

Gifts of Stock

Appreciated stock can be an ideal way for you to maximize donation impact by minimizing taxes. If you’re ready to make a gift of DTC eligible Bonds/Stocks/ETFs to John Paul the Great Academy, please contact to start the conversation.

Do you own a business?
Consider making a corporate gift.

Let’s get in touch.