Portrait of a Graduate

Given the need to form Christians to meet the expectations and needs of the contemporary world, it is up to educators to know in depth the aspects that must be developed for an integral education.

Knows the Faith.

We should lead them to recognize Divine Revelation and the doctrine of the Magisterium in order to be clear about what is to be believed, what is to be hoped for, and what is to be loved, so that they become a witness to the world.

Knows how to think.

We must teach our students, first of all, to a solid and coherent knowledge of man, the world and God. Philosophical knowledge, that is, knowledge of reality by its causes and in depth, must help them to complete their human formation and to sharpen their minds. To recognize error with a discerning spirit, so that they can love and serve the Truth.

Knows how to communicate Truth.

Language, images and silence are expressive vehicles that allow us to communicate with ourselves, with others, with creation and with God. Also the interpretation of language as a means of communication that makes it possible to bring the Good News to others. The teaching of language should be oriented to the grasp and appreciation of the value of the Truth implied in communication, sincerity, with the strength of "yes, yes and no, no". In addition to interpreting language as the means that God himself gave us and used to make us understand the great truths of Revelation and thus come to the full knowledge of him who is the Word, the Word made man.

Knows how to make distinctions.

They will help them to distinguish and discover what is permanent and essential from the changing and circumstantial reality throughout time and history, place and space, the unity of the universe in the diversity of events. In history, through the study of the past, he will draw experience to judge correctly the present and project for the future knowing the possible consequences. The study of the facts, epochs, institutions in themselves and integrated in a critical and theological vision must be integrated. This study must be guided by the true values of freedom, of life, of the good, of the recognition of the natural law. Making them reflect on the freedom and responsibility of man in history.

Loves their homeland.

We should lead them to know and love their homeland. Physical geography leads them to know God the Creator of inexhaustible beauty and the order of the universe, His divine Providence. Human geography should show them how man is a cooperator with the Creator.

Loves beauty in nature.

In the physical-chemical sciences and natural sciences, students should be open to them with an attitude of admiration, contemplation and respect, since the natural world, created by God, is the realm of reality given to man, to be discovered and known, prior to and independent of human action. Scientific research should develop their curiosity, which has as a substantial element the wonder, love and respect for life in all its dimensions.

They should seek contemplation and admiration for the order, beauty and wisdom that shine in creation; this admiration is one of the best introductions to prayer.

Seeks the truth.

In mathematics they will be helped to create the habit of the accuracy of time and the measures of things, demanding a kind of asceticism, because they must attend to reality, follow a method, humbly seek the answers, persevere in that search and long for precise and concise results. It will help him to develop a disciplined life and to acquire order of thought. To guide the student in the desire to search for Truth, the value of accuracy, objectivity and fairness. They will seek to awaken in soul, by the beauty of the demonstrations, an awe-inspiring contemplation verging on the absolute.

Cultivates their potential.

Music elevates human feelings. Art is an expression of the higher powers of man, since art not only transmits sensitive harmonies but also the sense of the profound truths that it must radiate. Bearing in mind that admiration for the beautiful is closely linked to the aspiration for the good, we must strive to form in our students a critical musical taste, that they may know and enjoy beautiful music, and that they may develop the musical gifts and talents with which God has blessed them. They should seek contemplation and admiration for the order, beauty and wisdom that shine in creation; this admiration is one of the best introductions to prayer.

Practices eutrapelia.

As for the theater, its purpose is to bring joy, to educate, and to instruct students morally. Therefore, it must always be formative, a mirror of virtues, a school of morality. This aesthetic education should be reflected especially in the Liturgy, in the splendor of worship, music and the Church.

The soul, like the body, gets tired and must rest. The rest of the soul is enjoyment, and so this must be the remedy against the fatigue of the soul, which interrupts the tension of the spirit. Hence it is necessary to procure this refreshment of the soul by means of games and feasting, the moderation of which belongs to the virtue of Eutrapelia, practiced in moments of recreation.

Exercises the will.

Our body, called to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, must be cared for, respected and strengthened so that it may help in the realization of virtues, to consider the body as an instrument of expression of what the spirit is capable of conceiving and transcending. The teacher must emphasize sports as an expression of the unity of the person who integrates with others in an ethical sporting coexistence, where the student must achieve habits of order, attitudes of respect, generosity, effort, perseverance to achieve goals, solidarity, justice, in every action of play and sport.

Educating the will means above all enriching the virtues, because these make it fully strong and fruitful in good works.