"Perfect schools are the result not so much of good methods as of good teachers”.

PIUS XI, Divini illius Magistri, 74.

After long preparations, we are happy to announce the foundation of the first independent catholic liberal arts school in New York City, Saint John Paul the Great Academy.

We want to offer support to families in the city who long for an integral formation for their children.

Do you want to be a part the adventure?

This is not just another school.

We are seeking individuals who know the nobility of the task to which they have been called as well as what this task demands.
In the soul of the teacher there must always reign the order of the principles that flow from the discovery of the Truth, and from there communicate it to others.

The educator must be an example of religious and moral life.
Every educator must know that his work is not done alone: as God's collaborators (1 Cor 3:9) for the work of the Gospel, one must nourish their apostolate with prayer and listening to the interior Master, “for without me you can do nothing” as Jesus said (Jn 15:5).

  • "Every Christian educator is called, in the name of the Lord, to instill in his students respect for truth, confidence and optimism in shaping their future, and the Christian virtue of hope"[4].

  • The educator must know the spiritual and psychological reality of children and young people of our time.

  • "He must behave towards his pupils with paternal firmness and also with tenderness in order to attract them to the good"[5]

  • The educator has the duty to love children and to love men to the point that they come to persuade themselves that they are loved.

  • We aspire that in our schools, as in the Oratories of Don Bosco, a family spirit reigns.

Job Description

As our school employs an integrated approach to teaching, history, literature, theology, writing, poetry are all taught in a single cohesive manner. This teacher serves as the homeroom teacher for students as well as the primary point of contact with parents. The teacher will be in regular contact and communication with his or her colleagues as well. 

  • Understand and uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church at all times.

  • Lead students to an understanding and an appreciation of all that is good, beautiful, and true.

  • Relate to students by loving them with the love of Christ, encouraging them to begin and/or develop their own relationship with God through sacraments and scripture, and challenging them to love others.

  • Be a role model of Christian love, faith, truthfulness and virtue.

  • Develop and implement engaging, challenging curriculum and lesson plans in line with the school's classical education model.

  • Evaluate student progress, providing constructive feedback, adapting lessons when needed, and communicating any concerns to parents and fellow teachers. 

  • Collaborate with colleagues and parents to support student development and the school's Catholic identity.

  • Engage in ongoing professional development to enhance teaching skills, classroom management, content area, knowledge of classical education, and Catholic teaching.

 The Ideal Candidate will possess

  • A missionary spirit and love for Jesus Christ and His Church with a desire to extend the Incarnation to the hearts of those entrusted to their care.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Education or relevant field

  • Teaching experience, ideally in a Catholic or classical education setting.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Creative, flexible, and passionate about teaching and learning.

 Application Process:

Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and two professional references to Sister Truth at info@totustuus.academy .

Employee Witness Statement

All Saint John Paul the Great Academy employees are required to read, sign, and adhere to the witness statement below. We invite all candidates to read over and consider this statement as part of the discernment process.  

Catholic education, which includes intellectual, spiritual, and moral formation, exists in order to evangelize. Evangelization consists of two elements: proclamation and witness. Accordingly, those who serve in Catholic education proclaim Jesus Christ -– His life and ministry, His death and resurrection — present in His mystical body, the Catholic Church, and join in her witness. 

As an employee of Saint John Paul the Great Academy, I acknowledge that: 

I am called to be a personal witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church.

Saint John Paul the Great Academy is a religious school, operated in accordance with–and to further the teachings of–the Roman Catholic Church. Those teachings are pronounced by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, including but not limited to, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Accordingly, the nature of my employment may be considered “ministerial” under the First Amendment.

In both personal and professional life, I must exemplify the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. I must not teach, advocate, model, or in any way encourage beliefs or behaviors that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. I understand and agree that doing so can be grounds for termination of my employment at Saint John Paul the Great Academy.

[1] PIUS XI, Divini illius Magistri, 5.

[2] ST. JOHN PAUL II, Address to the participants in the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, OR (28/05/1993), 11.

[3] ST. JOHN PAUL II, Address to the participants in the General Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, OR (28/05/1993), 11.