character formation

The whole endeavor of moral education should strive to form children and young people with character, that is, people with a princely spirit, with noble principles, who are capable of remaining steadfast in them, even when this faithful perseverance demands sacrifices from them.

  • Formation of the Conscience

    The purpose of the formation of conscience is to provide the student with the moral principles that he or she will later apply in the acts that he or she performs in practice.

    In what does a right formation of conscience consist? In internalizing oneself with the divine Will: first of all, educating the conscience consists in attaining knowledge and internalization with the plans of God and in the exercise of docility to this divine Will perceived by reason in the light of faith.

  • Formation of the Will

    The goal we seek in the formation of the will is to make the learner free, good and strong.

    Educating the will means above all enriching the virtues, because these render it stronger and more fruitful in good works.

    In the formation of virtues it is not a matter of creating them out of nothing, but still less of thinking that the child is virtuous by nature. Knowledge and virtues come to us by nature as capacities, not in their perfect state.

  • Formation of the Heart

    The formation of the heart is aimed at orienting the affections, to transform them into charity, love of God, love of neighbor and gentleness.

    It is necessary for them to be able to direct and watch over their sensibility in order to make decisions, so that they can keep their balance and be in control of themselves, all of this illuminated by reason and faith, which must govern and illuminate their impressions.

We aspire to form young people "for our time". That is, young people who will ensure the presence of Christian thought in the world. Capable of discerning good and evil, of making free and just choices, of defending the truth and detesting error.