spiritual formation

We must Christianize the atmosphere of the school.


    Frequent Communion should be a very dear habit of our students; for this purpose, they will participate weekly in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to which "we should always adore and have a special love".

    When Jesus has taken possession of the hearts of children and young people, there is little left for the educator to do, because of the disposition and facility for doing good that these souls then acquire.


    Sacramental Confession "occupies a very important place in the spiritual life. For this reason we consider it advisable that it be heard weekly... since the fruits that follow from it are many: the right self-knowledge increases, Christian humility grows, bad habits are uprooted, lukewarmness and spiritual indolence are confronted, the conscience is purified, the will is strengthened, the healthy direction of consciences is carried out and grace increases.


    Also necessary in formation is devotion to the Blessed Virgin, who is to be one of our great loves.

    A practice of piety and veneration of the Blessed Virgin that should characterize us is the Angelus, in which are given as essential elements, the contemplation of the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word, the greeting to the Virgin and recourse to her merciful intercession.


    The educational power of examples is not new, therefore, to propose to the students the life of the saints for their imitation is a powerful formative means. Devotion to the patron saints of each house, family and other saints that are considered appropriate according to the circumstances should be insisted upon.


    We will also give great importance to the formation in joy, an essential element in all spirituality. Joy will be particularly practiced in our schools through feasts... since the reason for the feast is joy. Feast is joy and nothing else.


    All the means and practices of piety mentioned here should contribute to the growth in the life of grace of children and young people, so that they may acquire a true life of prayer, according to the different stages of childhood and adolescence. Prayer should lead them to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and to grow more and more in union with God.

We aspire to form young people "for our time". That is, young people who will ensure the presence of Christian thought in the world. Capable of discerning good and evil, of making free and just choices, of defending the truth and detesting error. Young people with strong characters, capable of refusing the danger of contemporary consumerism.